What makes Sanako Connect great for language teaching:
● Modern Browser-based Language Lab – access anywhere on laptops, tablets and Chromebooks
● Secured platform powered by Amazon Web Services with servers in the US and EU
● Connects students and teacher in real-time regardless of their location
● Agile platform for teachers to create different types of content, in any language
● No logging-in required from students and fully compliant with data security
For language teachers:
Connect enables teachers to set up real-time language classes online.
Teachers can easily divide students into pair or groups, share files or create exercises online. There are many ways to communicate with students, through audio or chat. The teacher can also review students’ work and provide them with feedback.
● Create student groups or pairs
● Drag & drop files and create exercises to be shared with students
● Talk with the whole class, group or individual students
● Review student work and provide feedback
For students:
Connect allows students to join virtual language classes from any location.
The online teaching platform increases speaking time of each student comparing to traditional settings, allowing students to practice more effectively while learning a new language. Students and teachers are connected via any tablet, computer or Chromebook regardless of time and place.
● Use your own device or any laptop, tablet or Chromebook
● More time speaking than a traditional classroom environment
● Send messages and talk in private, in pairs and in groups
● Receive direct feedback from teachers